Former US First Lady Michelle will speak at the Microsoft Envision conference


Former US First Lady Michelle will speak at the Microsoft Envision conference

This year's Microsoft Foresight Conference will be held on September 25th in Orlando, Florida. The former First Lady of the United States will deliver a speech as a special guest. In addition to Michel, many well-known corporate executives will also deliver speeches, such as General Electric's Vice President Comstock, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, and Chief Financial Officer Ami Hood , Chief Marketing Officer Chris Cabo Serra.

Envision Conference Services was described by Microsoft as "a new flagship event for business leaders and decision makers" and will replace "Microsoft Convergence as the premier business leaders summit." The conference aims to enable business leaders to showcase their ideas and solutions to major problems, to be able to understand the latest trends, disruptive technologies, and even make more informed decisions about their business prospects.

Since its inception in April last year, the Forward Conference Service Company has become part of the Microsoft Technology Conference. Chief Marketing Officer Chris Capocella said in December that the cooperation between business and IT is particularly important. The Microsoft Technology Conference is willing to serve and promote cooperation between the two parties.


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