Planning to find which one is good and to arrange the attention of the scene of the celebration


The scene of the ceremony was the center of the celebration. Therefore, whether the arrangement and arrangement of it is appropriate is often directly related to the impression of the celebration presented to all the attendees, so how to present the best results, according to the relevant norms of the ceremony etiquette, Jiuzhou Wuhan Celebration Planning Company The main problems that professionals need to think about when setting up a celebration site are:

One is the choice of location. When selecting a specific location, it should be decided in conjunction with the scale of the celebration, its influence, and the actual situation of the unit. The auditorium, conference hall, the square inside the unit or in front of the unit, and the loan hall, etc., can all be selected by the camera. However, when holding a celebration outside, do not choose to be careless because of the location, thus creating noise, obstructing traffic or law and order, and losing sight of one another.

The second is the beautification of the environment. While opposing the extravagance and waste, we should do our best and beautify the environment where the celebrations are held. In order to create a warm, grand, and festive atmosphere, you can light up the scene, hang lanterns, ribbons, post some promotional slogans, and hang large banners that indicate the specific content of the celebration. If you have the ability, you can also ask the band composed by the staff of the unit, the drum team to play music or beat the drums, and lively and lively. However, such activities should be moderate, don't be too busy, and become a noisy, or "successful."

The third is the size of the venue. When choosing a venue for the celebration ceremony, it should be borne in mind that the bigger the better. In theory, the size of the scene should be proportional to the number of attendees. That is to say, the size of the venue should be adapted to the number of attendees. Many people are small and crowded, which can upset people. If there are few people and large places, it will give the guests the illusion that the unit is "cold and cold in front of the door".

The fourth is the preparation of the sound. Be sure to prepare the sound before the celebration. In particular, the microphones and sound-transmitting equipment used by the guests to speak, in the critical moment, must not be allowed to "strike", so that the host is busy and out of the ocean. Before and after the celebration, play some festive and cheerful music, as long as you do not seize the position of the "protagonist", usually it is ok. However, for the music played, it should be reviewed in advance. Don't let the staff freely choose to play the songs that are miserable, sad, sad, and sad, or those that are not solemn and humorous.

Finally, the specific procedures for the celebration should be elaborated. The success of a celebration is not unrelated to its specific procedures. Ceremonial etiquette stipulates that when formulating the procedures for the celebration, there are two principles that must be adhered to: First, the time should be short and not long. In general, it should be an hour as its limit. This is to ensure that it works well and to respect all attendees, especially to respect the guests. Second, the procedure should be less and less. Too many programs will not only increase the length of time, but also distract the attention of the attendees and give people a sense of too messy content.


 Jiuzhou planning group, after more than 20 years development with 100,000 successful cases, professionally concentrates on the planning of all kinds events,like launch ceremony, completion ceremony, signing ceremony , foundation stone laying ceremony, opening ceremony and so on.Jiuzhou planning international chain is a high-end transnational planning company.



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