Which Suzhou Suzhou company is going to be good?


Which Suzhou Suzhou company is going to be good?

Many people don't know what to prepare for the opening ceremony. Xiaobian to tell you. The opening ceremony is a celebration ceremony in which a company or shop is carefully planned and held according to certain procedures when it is established or opened to promote the company, expand its popularity, and shape its own image.

the goal of. It reflects the organizational ability, social level and cultural quality of corporate or corporate leaders, and often becomes an important criterion for social public choice and pro-business, and is the first milestone in enterprise development. Xi'an Celebration Company combines the experience of many years of opening ceremony to explain the preparation process and etiquette requirements for the opening ceremony planning.

Preparation for the opening ceremony

(1) Do a good job in publicity. Companies or stores can use the online media to post advertisements or post notices in the notice column to draw the attention of the public. These advertisements or notices generally include the time and place of the opening ceremony, the business scope and characteristics of the company, and the preferential activities for opening the business;

(2) A list of guests who elaborated the ceremony. Invited guests should generally include the relevant government department heads, community leaders, celebrities, industry representatives, journalists, employee representatives and public representatives. Guests who are invited to attend the ceremony should send the invitation to them in advance;

(3) Determine the scale and time of the celebration planning;

(4) Determine the list of congratulatory persons and prepare a thank-you for the person in charge of the unit;

(5) Identify the person who cuts the ribbon and prepare the utensils. In addition to the person in charge of the unit, the participants in the ribbon cutting ceremony should also invite people with higher status and certain prestige to cut the ribbon together;

(6) Arrange various items. The relevant service personnel such as sign-in, reception, ribbon-cutting, photography, video recording, etc. shall be determined in advance, and these personnel shall arrive at the designated position before the ceremony;

Arrange the environment. The opening ceremony is usually held at the door of the company. In order to create a warm, grand and festive atmosphere, you can hang the banner of XXX Opening Ceremony or XXX Grand Opening on the spot. There are some greetings and flower baskets on the sides, and lanterns, balloons, etc. can be hung around the venue. .



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