What are the Hangzhou conference companies?


What are the Hangzhou conference companies?

The planning process of conference planning:

1. Defining the background and purpose of the event

2. Clarify the theme, time, place, participants, number of participants, activity content, types of relevant preparation materials, and quantity

3. Organize the conference working group, determine the leaders and members of the conference group, and formulate the conference preparation work.

4. Based on the determined agenda of the meeting, formulate the meeting budget and apply for special meeting expenses.

5. Determine the clear agenda of the meeting, implement the participation of the participants, the specific location of the meeting, the accommodation arrangements of the participants, the situation of the meeting vehicles, the safety emergency plan, form a sample of the meeting guide, and start printing after confirmation by the leader of the meeting group.

6. Issue meeting notices, including meeting time, place, submission of meeting material format requirements, participants

7. Confirm the speaker, choose the standard: a story with a speech ability, influence, universal respect, rich experience, touching or humor

8. Rehearsing according to time to prevent insufficient time and early termination

9. Promotion before the event

10. Determine the style and content of the background map, banner, participation certificate, table sign, road sign, and activity site road map. After confirmation by the leader of the meeting group, start making banners, attendance certificates, table signs, etc.

11. Check the status of various promotional materials, including banners, road signs, table signs, and attendance certificates.

12, room arrangements for participants, catering arrangements 13, arrange staff to arrive at the meeting site in advance, arrange meeting rooms, accommodation, catering matters

14. Check the status of all conference materials, including reporting materials, conference guides, etc.

15. Check the meeting accommodation and catering arrangements. If there is a dinner party, coordinate the location and drinks.

16, determine the arrival time, build content

17. Communicate with the host one day in advance to conduct rehearsal and preparation on the spot.

18, organize the meeting room, and determine the indoor equipment in place, including table and chair display, projector, conference computer, microphone, telephone conference machine, printer, voice recorder, laser pointer, power, paper, pen, drinking water, Flowers, tea breaks, emergency medicine, photography equipment

19. Comprehensively check the implementation of various tasks, arrange guidance personnel, meeting record personnel, conference computer projector operators, photographers and photographers, uniform dress

20. Determine the specific time for the participants to arrive at the meeting place.

21, the special person greets the guests, leading to the reception area, while the collection of guests is completed, leading the car. To the hotel, guide to the reception desk to check in.

22. The staff familiar with the guests should be greeted at the gate, sign the meeting, and issue the room card and information kit when the staff is in place, including the conference guide, the participation certificate, the pen and paper, the warm reminder (note reminder, meal and Activity reminder)

23, VIP reception: the special person to accompany the whole car, the special car to the hotel, leading to the VIP area to rest, the agency procedures, sent to the room. Accompanied by a high-level leader during the meeting, the guide is sitting in the front row

24, choose a photo location

25, return ticket coordination

26, the process of sending guests: scheduled in the hotel lobby, special team leader, special person with the car

27. After the meeting, recycle the self-contained items, organize the minutes of the meeting, publish the results of the meeting, and summarize the lessons learned from the meeting.


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