Hefei annual meeting planning company which is better?


Planning for the annual meeting is a kind of planning, not a very easy thing to do. Annual meeting planning is a systematic process that requires a strong professionalism. As a company, it is better to plan a company for the annual meeting. What is the idea of planning for the annual meeting? The planning company of the Jiuzhou Annual Meeting gives you some advice:

The first key point: the purpose, vision and mission of the annual meeting plan

The goals and visions of the annual event and the mission need to be determined from the outset. The purpose and vision of the activity cannot focus on the interests of only one party, but need to express the common interests of all parties. The purpose and mission of the annual meeting plan should provide a clear direction and common focus for the operation of the event. What the event organizer needs is that the activity is good, the influence is enough, and the money spent is within the budget. The planning company is to start the brand's popularity and make money. The annual meeting activities should take care of the interests of both parties. The vision and mission are two different concepts that can be expressed separately or together. Both are short and inspirational. The vision is generally used to express long-term achievements, while the mission is more important to express the important tasks set by the activities.

The second key point: annual meeting activities goals and tasks

The goal of the annual meeting activity is the overall direction of action for the planning and execution of the event, and the activity task is to quantify the objectives of the activity. Another use of the activity task is as a basis for evaluating the effectiveness of the activity. There are two different concepts of goals and tasks, and event planners cannot confuse the two concepts.

Jiuzhou planning group, after more than 20 years development with 100,000 successful cases, professionally concentrates on the planning of all kinds events,like launch ceremony, completion ceremony, signing ceremony , foundation stone laying ceremony, opening ceremony and so on.Jiuzhou planning international chain is a high-end transnational planning company.



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