Tourism Festival planning should pay attention to what?


Spring and summer are good seasons for tourism. Many friends choose to travel to a favorite place during the holidays. With the gradual growth of the tourism market, the Tourism Festival has also become the main channel for attracting tourists in each scenic spot. However, tourism is more outdoor, safe first, and happy second. Next, the Jiuzhou Tourism Festival Planning Company will tell you which safety issues should you pay attention to when participating in the Tourism Festival?

First, outdoor sunscreen, not slack

Although it is already in the autumn, don't forget the "autumn tiger." "Autumn Tiger" is not a fuel-efficient lamp, planning outdoor activities, such as mountaineering competitions, beach volleyball matches, etc. If the activity period is up to one day, in the morning and a half, the temperature will be higher, the sun will be like fire, the ultraviolet rays in the sun will be particularly strong, and the skin will be exposed to the hot sun for a long time, causing 1 to 2 degrees of burns and heatstroke will occur. phenomenon. Ultraviolet rays can also be transmitted to the meninges and retina through the skin and bones, causing damage to the brain and eyeballs.


Try to avoid fire belts on coastlines and ridges in hot weather. To participate in general activities, you must bring a sun hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, towels, long-sleeved shirts, and take 10 drops of water, human Dan, Huoxiang Zhengqi pills, cool oil and other heatstroke drugs.

Second, outdoor rest, avoid heat stroke

Participate in outdoor sports in the fall, because the temperature is still relatively high, the temperature has not completely dropped. If the amount of exercise is too large at this time, the amount of heat accumulated in the body is more than that. If the heat is not enough, or if the rest time is too small, the water source is not replenished in time. It can cause fever, the fever is mildly heat exhaustion, and the serious one is heat stroke.


When walking in the sun, you can soak the hat with water; when walking in places where the sun is not shining, remove the hat; when you are resting, try to put the backpack down and untie the button on the collar of the shirt; the best place to rest It is a place where the sun is not exposed and ventilated.

Third, outdoor armed, do not forget to prepare clothes

Because in outdoor sports, many people will be fully armed, long trousers, one for sun protection, and the other is to prevent the body from being hurt by thatch and thorns. But long trousers, if the heat is not good, or the material of the clothes is not breathable, it is very easy to be sweaty. At this time, people will think that the clothes are wet, how much things will be done. Dry your clothes by your own body temperature. This is extremely harmful, and in the long run, it can cause diseases such as rheumatism or arthritis.


Before taking part in the event, bring a set of tight-fitting dry clothes (especially tops) and a coat in your backpack. When you get to your destination, immediately change the wet clothes. When you are resting on the road, if you have a long break, if you take a long break, you should put on your coat in time. Otherwise, the wind will take away a lot of heat from the body. The body's body is hot and cold, which is easy to cause disease.

Fourth, outdoor ice drink, do not be greedy

When attending outdoor activities, the weather is hot and sweaty. If this is the time to bring iced drinks or ice cream, this will be a very enjoyable thing. Pay attention to the attention, important things are said three times. When the activity is coming to an end, or when the human body is in an excited state, one cannot eat a lot of cold drinks immediately, and the other is that you cannot overdose cold drinks. Cold drinks not only reduce the temperature of the stomach, but also dilute the gastric juice, so that the physiological function of the stomach is impaired, causing indigestion, diarrhea, etc., and severe gastritis.


In fact, the best drink is still light salt water, which supplements the lost water, and secondly, the sodium and chloride ions caused by sweating are reduced. This is the best choice. If you can't help but want to have a cold drink, a small amount of ingestion should not be excessive, and should be treated according to the specific circumstances. Drink frozen drinks before you leave, and drink them in small quantities. After the event is over, wait for the body temperature to drop significantly before drinking frozen drinks or beer.

The summer weather is hot, and you must pay attention to these four factors when planning outdoor activities. At the same time, everyone must always rest. Event planners must plan the time or place of rest in advance, provide water in a timely manner when rest, and pay attention to scientifically hydrating to avoid continuous exercise at high temperatures, so as to avoid abnormal brain temperature regulation and cause casualties.

Jiuzhou planning group, after more than 20 years development with 100,000 successful cases, professionally concentrates on the planning of all kinds events,like launch ceremony, completion ceremony, signing ceremony , foundation stone laying ceremony, opening ceremony and so on.Jiuzhou planning international chain is a high-end transnational planning company.



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