What are the large-scale tourism festival planning companies?


Tourism planning company - Jiuzhou Tourism Festival planning company believes that before planning the scenic spot, we should first understand what is included in the scenic planning, and then know how to use it. Generally need to understand the resources of tourist attractions, the development of tourist attractions, product design of tourism scenic spots, tourism operation management, etc., more content, including the following:

1. Resource integration

Strategic resource integration planning proposal: establish the marketing structure of the scenic spot, cooperate with the landscape design, find available market opportunities; moderately adjust the new value experience around the core value of the scenic spot, maximize the social effects and operational benefits; set up a new service system; Integrate supporting landscape construction, control the rhythm of tourism consumption, and formulate operational planning suggestions.

2. Planning analysis: Firstly, we should look at the "symptoms" faced by the destination or the scenic spot, find out the cause, decide which treatment method to use, and secondly, plan to deploy the treatment plan, which is generally analyzed from the following aspects.

A. Market research, accurately locate the market, locate the theme, position the image, and establish the core attraction;

B. Internal research on scenic resources: through field investigation, literature search and other means to understand the development history, current situation and development strategy and goals of the region, and sort out the resource structure and image assets of the scenic spot;

C. Research on the external environment of the scenic spot: external environment such as policies, partners, industry development trends and prospects, existing and potential competitors, etc. need to be comprehensively analyzed;

D. Consumer-specific research: assess the consumer market and consumption level of the scenic spot, including the status of public perception of the scenic spot, the definition of the main consumer, the consumer's psychological expectation of the scenic spot, and so on.

3. Communication system planning

Staged integrated communication promotion program: Introduce the new value and new image of the scenic spot into the communication plan, such as internal brand image training, external media communication, new image theme promotion activities, etc.; integrate the brand into the marketing cost plan and set up the mansion Gift system, brand promotion or brand value-added construction; at the same time, set up a brand communication system implementation consultant to assist the brand management and maintenance of the scenic spot.

Jiuzhou planning group, after more than 20 years development with 100,000 successful cases, professionally concentrates on the planning of all kinds events,like launch ceremony, completion ceremony, signing ceremony , foundation stone laying ceremony, opening ceremony and so on.Jiuzhou planning international chain is a high-end transnational planning company.



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