How does the annual planning company choose?

Every year the company will have it. It is organized on the one hand for the past year and on the other hand for the next year. Among them, the program has become the PK of the annual meeting between departments and departments. Do you understand the complete annual meeting planning process?


Determine the form

Is the annual meeting of the company a form of hotel dinner, a form of farmhouse or a form of tourism? The forms I listed are only a part of it and more common. The form of a company to hold the theme annual meeting varies from person to person. This can be determined based on factors such as company culture, employees and preferences. Of course, the annual meeting budget is also very important.

2. Determine the theme

The theme is the soul of the annual meeting, and a good theme is the key to the success of the annual meeting. It is like a refined advertising word. After a year or two, you may no longer remember the contents of the annual meeting. How to formulate the theme can be based on the company culture, corporate background, company vision and other aspects, to develop a meaningful "advertising word" to highlight the company's content. In addition, the subject color of the annual meeting can be determined while determining the theme, which will greatly help the layout of the venue.

3. Find a venue

When we determine the theme, the next job is to find the venue. There are also a lot of skills in choosing a venue, taking into account the number of participants, convenience, economic conditions, and scope of application. Let's take the annual meeting of the hotel dinner form. When we think of the venue, we are more responsive. Is it better to have it near the company? Of course it is better. If it is not, then look a little further. Anyway, the traffic is convenient now. There are performances, dinners or lunches, and some even conferences. Then look for a hotel that can provide these services. It is not as good as the stars, but the more suitable for you, the better, as long as I can meet the annual meeting. The request is enough. Friendly reminder: shop around.

4. Site layout is one of the sectors that can better reflect the creativity of the event.

The layout of the annual meeting plan can be a good rendering of the atmosphere, leaving a deep impression. The overall arrangement can be unfolded around the color of the subject, which is elegant, beautiful and unconventional.

5. Invitations, table layout, welcome team, gift selection, sign-in design and other subtleties can be added to unlimited creativity, so that these micro-innovations ensure that your annual meeting is more visible and more shocking.

 6. Activity process

Opening Performance;

Awards ceremony;

Jiuzhou planning group, after more than 20 years development with 100,000 successful cases, professionally concentrates on the planning of all kinds events,like launch ceremony, completion ceremony, signing ceremony , foundation stone laying ceremony, opening ceremony and so on.Jiuzhou planning international chain is a high-end transnational planning company.



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