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Summarize: Planning and implementation of the 9th China Hospital Presidents Annual Meeting
Planning and implementation of the 9th China Hospital Presidents Annual Meeting


On November 13-15, the annual meeting of the 9th China Hospital Presidents Annual Meeting, hosted by the Chinese Hospital Dean magazine and the Chinese Hospital Dean Network and the Xiamen Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission, was planned in Xiamen. Held.

With the theme of “subversion and return”, the conference attracted more than 5,000 domestic and foreign hospital directors, hospital administrators and government officials, business managers, university experts and scholars to attend the conference. The history of the annual meeting of Chinese hospital presidents was the highest. The biggest creative point of this conference: the cross-border combination of the medical world and the music industry, composing a wonderful poem.

The annual meeting of the Chinese Hospital Dean is not only a prestigious annual event in China's medical management industry, but also a successful transformation of Zhuoxin Medical Media Group's media transformation and upgrading. The Annual Meeting of the Chinese Hospital Dean also integrated the traditional media and Internet media, and introduced the “China Hospital Microfilm Festival”. The annual meeting organized by the Jiuzhou Annual Meeting Planning Company fully realized the media integration development. 

Jiuzhou planning group, after more than 20 years development with 100,000 successful cases, professionally concentrates on the planning of all kinds events,like launch ceremony, completion ceremony, signing ceremony , foundation stone laying ceremony, opening ceremony and so on.Jiuzhou planning international chain is a high-end transnational planning company.



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