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The 55th Anniversary of Xicheng District Children's Palace

The 55th Anniversary of Xicheng District Children's Palace, adhering to Chairman Mao's "learning and play" instructions spirit and themed at the objective of closing and serving the juveniles, was held accordingly. Xicheng District Children’s Palace strives to the first choice for young people to cultivate interest, the second classroom of comprehensive development and the third space of happy living. There were dancing, sand paintings and other children's programs throughout the celebration, making the scene filled with a lively atmosphere. The whole activity was planned and conducted by Jiuzhou Planning Company and the site structures, ceremonial reception, lighting and choreography received a high degree of recognition from the organizer.

       Jiuzhou planning group, after more than 20 years development with 100,000 successful cases, professionally concentrates on the planning of all kinds events,like launch ceremony, completion ceremony, signing ceremony , foundation stone laying ceremony, opening ceremony and so on.Jiuzhou planning international chain is a high-end transnational planning company.


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The 55th Anniversary of Xicheng District Children's Palace

Jiuzhou planning group, after more than 20 years development with 100,000 successful cases, professionally concentrates on the planning of all kinds events,like launch ceremony, completion ceremony, signing ceremony , foundation stone laying ceremony, opening ceremony and so on.Jiuzhou planning international chain is a high-end transnational planning company. ?

The 55th Anniversary of Xicheng District Children's Palace

The 55th Anniversary of Xicheng District Children's Palace

The 55th Anniversary of Xicheng District Children's Palace

The 55th Anniversary of Xicheng District Children's Palace

The 55th Anniversary of Xicheng District Children's Palace

The 55th Anniversary of Xicheng District Children's Palace

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